Traditions and customs at baptism

Baptism is definitely one of those emotionally and spiritually charged events, so that the wave of thoughts becomes difficult to control.

This ritual represents the way in which the newborn officially enters the Christian community.

With the passage of time, the celebration of this event has become more and more extensive regarding the wide range of traditions and specific occupations.

In contrast to the evolution of modern society, spiritual habits have become intertwined with material ones in such a way that the baptism service is followed by a party that also involves several preparations.

OIL & WINE – religious significance

The spiritual charge of this event is consumed during the religious service, where the child's parents must bring oil and wine for anointing and communion. Oil is much more than a simple food, in the Bible. Much of the life of the Jews revolves around this element. It was used for lighting, for cooking, as a cosmetic product, as medicine, it has a
strong symbolic role.

Wine was consecrated as sacrificial material at the Last Supper. It symbolizes the Blood of the Lord, in which the wine is transformed after the consecration of the Gifts at the Liturgy. Through Holy Communion, wine fills the soul with spiritual joy and unites it with God.


What is the role of noses?

Although in the past godparents were inherited and their role came back through a family connection, now parents choose godparents most often from among trusted people, who in this way become spiritual parents of the child.

This mirroring of the noses on the child, by his "spiritual parents" became more and more rooted. In the end, the role of godparents is not limited to the customs that must be fulfilled on the occasion of baptism, but they assume a lifelong commitment, on the occasion of which they form a bond
with the baptized child.

In addition to the organization that must be taken care of according to the attributions that belong to them, the godparents must confess and share before this event.



As far as the religious service is concerned, the godparents take care of the baptismal candle . The candle represents the light of the soul and must be dressed with flowers, which today are no longer limited to a certain type, being accessible an extensive variety of decorations for it.

But, for a closer and closer connection with the spiritual part, lilies are known as the flowers of the Mother of God, so their choice is always a suitable one.


Currently, the option of sets composed of costumes chosen according to the preference of the priests is adopted, with a blanket on which the child is placed immediately after baptism. In the past, it was customary to swaddle the baby in a white, unstitched and unfinished cloth, because our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, was also swaddled in this way. But today, still opting for the color white, the notion of

What should the parents do at the baptism?

Parents must bring the necessary documents, including the birth certificate and possibly a medical certificate attesting that the baby did not suffer any condition at birth that could cause various problems.

The baptism was kept close to the date of the 40 days, which requires the parents to discuss with the priest to fix the date of the event and the location.

Nowadays, godparents, relatives, friends and neighbors are invited to the christening party, while the party is also made with gifts. The guests either give money or gifts for the child.

CUPS - what is their meaning?

Ursitares are women who appear in the middle of the party with the aim of predicting certain aspects of the child's destiny. Although in the past their significance was much more categorical, today the event is more one with an artistic connotation.


The ritual does not end on the day of baptism, being thus followed by the child's baptism. During the bathing ritual, the baptismal candle must remain lit, and at the end it is extinguished either by the ceiling or the door frame.

The bathtub in which the child is bathed must contain:

1. Flowers, for the baby to be beautiful.
2. Money, for wealth.
3. Holy water, so that the baby is as clean as this.
4. Egg, so that the child is as healthy and full as the egg.
5. Stones, for him or her to be strong.
6. Honey, to make it sweet.
7. Drop from the baptismal candle
8. Horseshoe, for luck.
9. Feathers, to make his way easy.

The tradition of baptism is one rooted in the heart of the Romanian Christian people and an occasion of joy for the parents and the whole family of the baby who becomes Christian.