In our country, the role of noses is very important. It's not like in other states where these are only two people who have to appear at the event. In Romania, godparents have a special position and are involved in this event much more than in other places.

Baptismal priests have a very important role in the celebration of this special day. If you've never been a nose, it's not hard to become one, regardless of age. Pay attention to some details, which will definitely be helpful. In this article, you will see what you need to be a perfect spiritual parent at baptism.

Every newborn should also have a beautiful story of the preparations for baptism. Precisely for this reason, the godparents will do everything possible to make the moment when the baby is christened, a memorable one for the family of the little one.

It is important to know what responsibilities you have if you choose to be the nose at the baptism and how you can make this unique moment in the life of the little one, remain in everyone's memories for a long time.

Choose to be part of the most important moment in a man's life: his baptism!


What do I need as a nose for a baptism?

As the nose at the baptism, you will buy the following itemsꓽ

  • Trusou (for both girls and boys ) - This contains the cloth (with which the baby will be covered after it is taken out of the baptismal font), the veil (it symbolizes the connection of the baby with the Divinity), the bottle for myrrh (you can put any type of oil, since it will be consecrated), soap and towel for the priest, but also a towel for the baby;
  • Candle (both for boys and girls );
  • Crucifixes - these are attached to the chests of the guests at the religious ceremony;
  • New clothes (set in general, but not the rule) that the baby will wear at baptism.

Does it cost me a lot to be a baptismal nose?

  1. The fee requested by the priest, for the officialization of the christening service; this differs from one church to another, it is not a standard rate;
  2. The baptism candle - the price differs depending on how simple or complex it is, if it also has toys attached to it. And the size influences the tariff;
  3. The kit and clothes for the baby must first of all be made of quality materials, and then, affordable in terms of price;
  4. The menu at the restaurant - of course, you will pay only for you and your partner, not for everyone, but the gift offered must be at least the amount corresponding to the menu for 2 people;
  5. Cruciulites - they are quite affordable and you can find them for both girls and boys. In certain regions of the country, the mother is the one who orders the baptismal crucifixes.
  6. Bears - these will provide an emotional moment in the party after the religious event.


What gifts do we offer the newborn?

If you now know what clothes you need to buy for baptism, you wonder what gifts to give to the little one you will christen.

For example, you can choose a bracelet with a red string , which has a silver or gold coin, in addition to clothes and toys. The most important thing is to offer your baptized child your support throughout life.

The godparents must be like a second pair of parents, be with the little one. Holy objects, such as icons, are a frequently chosen gift offered by godparents. After all, the event itself is about faith - so the icon, crucifixes, can be given as a gift.


Tips for noses

Choose clothes and shoes that are comfortable, but at the same time elegant. Enjoy the special moments of the baptism! The day of baptism is not just any day. The event is full of emotions, so you have to be prepared for it. It is also an event that requires many things to be prepared for a baptism party (this party often takes place immediately after the christening service).

Buy in advance all the necessary things for the baptism (suit, candle, etc.). Thus, you will not be put in the situation of ordering something at the very last moment. On the last hundred meters, visit the child you are going to baptize once again, give advice to the parents (if asked) and assure them that emotions are absolutely natural for an event that has such a high emotional charge.