General aspects, white clothing, gifts, documents and necessary things


The mystery of the Holy First Communion - the great day of the smallest believers


For Christians who are part of the Catholic Church, First Communion, also known as first communion, is an extraordinarily important celebration, being also a sacred rite through which the child expresses his agreement to live in harmony with God and Christian values.

If in the Orthodox Church, Christians receive all three Sacraments at baptism: the Sacrament of Baptism, the Mirungeria and the Eucharist, Catholics receive them at more distant time intervals. The Sacrament of Baptism is received at the time of Baptism, but that of Communion only a few years later, when children have reached at least 7 years of age and are considered ready to receive the sacrament.

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The big day of the little ones is considered to be one with a valuable meaning, being a true ceremony in which families come together and participate in this special event in the lives of children. First Communion represents for Catholic baptized children, the most emotional moment, when they are entrusted for the first time with the food of the souls of the faithful, namely the Body and Blood of Jesus.

What, in fact, is Holy First Communion?

During the First Communion, children receive the true Body and Blood of Jesus, considered to be the food for the souls of believers.

At what age do children receive First Communion?

The reception of the sacrament takes place in the children's lives after they reach the age of 7, but not later than 10.

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What are the aspects that should be known before receiving the sacrament?

On the Saturday before the day of the First Communion ceremony, the children, together with their parents and godparents, must go to the church for Confession.

Before the First Communion, the First Confession takes place, the process in which the little Christian confesses his sins for the first time before the priest and God. Depending on the Catholic community we refer to, some priests address the children, their godfathers, parents, friends and family to help prepare and beautify the church for the day when the little believers will receive the sacrament of Holy First Communion.

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The presence of parents and children at the Liturgy held on the Sunday before the start of preparation is very important, and on this occasion, they are presented to the community of the Catholic church.

Also, after the First Holy Communion, the pastorate takes place, which translates into the moment of reunion of the families who celebrated the First Communion in the current year during the feast of the Holy Family.

Who gives gifts to children? What kind of symbolic gifts are given?

To celebrate the First Communion, families give children after the religious service small, symbolic and meaningful gifts that will become priceless memories that remind them of the event (bracelet, books, pendant, earrings, various storage box, angel figure, painting, watch, photo album etc.). When giving gifts, the starting point is represented by parents and grandparents, they are the first to offer the gifts, also being considered the spiritual and moral models of the child, followed by grandparents, uncles, grandparents, friends and other appropriate relatives, respectively guests .

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What are the necessary documents that must be prepared for the religious service?

The Baptism certificate is the only document that must be presented when the Sacrament of Communion takes place.

What are the necessary things that the child must have on the day of Holy Communion?

The things that the little Christian must have ready in order to receive the Catholic sacrament are the following:

  1. The baptism certificate issued by the parish where the child received the Sacrament of Baptism;
  2. The candle, which highlights the idea of ​​spiritual and Christian enlightenment of the child, but also the promise to live life in full light;
  3. The white outfit, the symbol that inspires purity and innocence, cleanliness and sinless life.

white dress for the first Catholic communion

How should the child receiving First Communion be dressed?

The white clothes worn during the religious service are a way to mark the importance and significance of the day when children receive their First Communion. On the big day, the children are dressed like angels, who aim to be and become as pure as possible. The outfit for this day must be completely white, as are the recommendations of the Catholic community, to signify the purity and sanctity of the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Boys can wear white or black pants, along with a white shirt, and girls should preferably be dressed in diaphanous white dresses, with small details, pearls or lace. The recommendations that Annebebe offers you can be found here , here and here . White dresses will make girls feel special, having a delicate and unique design, inspiring simplicity, purity and innocence.

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What does the white clothes worn at the religious service signify?

In the present context, in Catholicism, the wearing of white clothes at ceremonies such as the Sacrament of Baptism or the reception of First Communion, have a deep and complex meaning: white is the symbol of soul purification. The white clothes remind of the opening of the soul to receive God inside and to live according to church appointments and Christian values.