When do we prepare our maternity luggage?

All expectant mothers can't wait for the moment when they can see their baby. This birthday is unique in every woman's life, a moment full of emotion. And precisely because this day means a wave of experiences for the mother, it is good to set up as many important things as possible before giving birth.

An important point on the "To Do" list is the maternity luggage, and the first clothes for the baby should not be missing from it. You will be able to use them to get the baby out of the hospital. These clothes are among the first material gifts you give your pup as a "Welcome to the world". We continue to talk about these sets of clothes for newborns, which can be given as gifts or which can be safely placed in the maternity luggage.

They usually include everything you need to fully dress the little one: bodysuit, gloves, socks. They are made of quality cotton, soft, pleasant to the touch and delicate for the delicate and pure skin of the newborn.

What does the maternity bag contain for the future newborn?

The maternity baggage for the baby is a complex one. We start by putting diapers, wet wipes, shower gel, physiological serum for cleaning, creams suitable for babies, sterilized gauze, milk bottles, pacifiers, blankets and of course, lots of clothes. As for clothes, we recommend these maternity sets composed of 10 or even 20 pieces.

What clothes do we choose for the newborn baby?

The easiest way to make sure that the little one does not lack any clothes, is to take a few sets, to have a spare for any eventuality.

Complete sets such as this one are very helpful. It is suitable for both girls and boys, because it has light colors and neutral prints. Also, the maternity sets from the KitiKate brand are perfect to complement the baby's delicate wardrobe in its first days of life.

Because we cannot know for sure what the temperatures are in the room where the mother and child will be staying, it is good to have a set composed of 2 measuring cups for a baby boy.

We recommend Set with print with the USPA brand logo or this one . Under the jumpsuit you can add bodysuits like this one in unisex colors.

Another example, also suitable for giving as a gift to an expectant mother, is this complete set of 10 pieces . The pieces in the set are diverse and have a nice uniform design. They are made of the best quality materials, soft and gentle on the skin.

Look in our offer for a 10-piece set consisting of a long-sleeve blouse, long pants with boots, long jumpsuit, body, blouse, bib, handkerchief, blanket, fez. You will find many cheerful models suitable for children. Made of 100% cotton, the clothes and accessories are perfect for the skin of newborns. Little explorers can enjoy clothes made entirely by safe processes, from the first days of life.

Pierre Cardin is one of the top brands in the manufacture of clothing for children and babies. They make their products from 100% cotton and anti-allergic materials, and this says a lot about the brand's culture and care for little ones and their parents.

We also recommend the sets of socks made of 100% organic cotton, because it is important for the baby to have warm feet. Even if you leave his head uncovered, his feet should be warm.

All the products in our offer, from the maternity sets category with 10 or 20 pieces, are certified and manufactured from natural and ecological raw materials. We invite you to discover them at your leisure and see our updated offers in the store.

Does the material of baby clothes matter?

The material from which the clothes are made is extremely important, because the little ones usually have sensitive skin, they must feel comfortable and flexible, neither cold, nor too hot. Childcare specialists recommend 100% cotton and we are waiting for you on the site with many attractive promotions on maternity sets, with 10 or 20 pieces, clothes made of natural cotton.

How do we clean and care for maternity clothes?

It is recommended that, in general, the clothes of the little ones are extremely well washed and kept. As a rule, wash at the temperature indicated on their labels, with special detergent and conditioner for babies, iron and then store in a clean and disinfected closet, where only baby clothes are placed.

To make sure that we don't forget anything, neither for the mother nor for the baby, we can make a clear list and check each thing while packing it in the maternity bag.