Dear mom, we know how difficult the first year with your child can be. You receive information from all known people, sometimes even unknown ones. Unsolicited advice, which causes you more confusion. Thus, it is good to listen only to the advice of specialists.

In addition to the thirst for knowledge you have to ensure the best care for your baby, you will probably also face numerous superstitions. Next, we will present the most common of these.

Superstitions until baptism

Superstitions up to the moment of baptism are numerous and sometimes differ from one region to another of our country. The most widespread such superstition is that of not taking the baby outside after sunset. The superstition comes from the belief that this can expose him to evil spirits or negative energies.

Another popular superstition is that babies should not be mirrored before baptism, because mirroring could attract the evil eye or other negative influences on the baby.

Did you know that some people don't cut their baby's nails and hair until baptism? It is considered that health or even longevity may be affected.

You probably know about the superstition not to buy anything for the baby until the birth, but there are also people who buy only what is strictly necessary until the baptism or receive what is needed from relatives who already have children, as it is considered that it would bring bad luck if they bought things.

A superstition that could even be recommended is keeping quiet and avoiding discussions or arguments around the newly baptized baby, because it is said that otherwise he would have arguments all his life.

Superstition with red thread on hand and red bow

You've probably seen babies with a red thread on their hand, a red bow on their stroller or crib. It is said that this keeps the evil eye away and thus protects the child against evil. Parents often put bows or bracelets on the child's hand from birth and usually keep it even after baptism.

If you want to give your baby a special red bracelet, we recommend Ingriko Bracelets . One of the most beautiful bracelets, which can fit both girls and boys, is the personalized baby gold bracelet, Clover 14K.

AnneBebe - 14K Gold Bracelet Baby Ursulet Ingriko

The baby's clothing before and after baptism

If you are going to baptize the baby, then you have probably heard many superstitions, including the one about dressing the baby. In the Romanian tradition, the midwife and godmother should take care of dressing the baby on the day of baptism.

Before baptism, the midwife dresses the baby in a white shirt or dress, which symbolizes the purity of soul that he will receive through the sacrament of baptism. Also, sometimes the midwife wraps the baby in a white blanket, representing the purity and sanctity of this sacred moment, especially in the cold season.

After the baptism, the godmother takes over the role of taking care of the baby and dressing him. The nasa can dress the baby in a special shirt or dress, often embroidered or decorated with lace, to highlight the importance of the moment. In short, the baby needs a special outfit, of course depending on the parents' preferences.

The child's data from the midwife to the godmother

Another superstition, better said a ritual considered on the border between pagan and Christian is the gift of the child from the midwife to the godmother. In the past, this act symbolized the transition of the child from the protection offered by the mother, represented by the midwife, to a new protective figure, the godmother, who had the responsibility to guide and care for the child in the future.

Today, this ritual has been adapted and integrated into the baptism ceremony, where the nasa has acquired a spiritual and ceremonial role. The symbolic transfer of the child from the midwife to the godmother represents a transmission of the spiritual responsibility for raising and educating the child in the Christian faith.

This ritual combines elements from old traditions with Christian religious teachings, thus reflecting the complex cultural and spiritual heritage of the communities in which it is practiced.

Traditions 1 year after birth

The moment when the child turns 1 and is no longer officially a baby is an extremely emotional one and marked by numerous traditions and superstitions. Of these, cutting the motto and the cake are two of the most common. Cutting the motto is an important moment, symbolizing the transition from baby to child stage. It is a reason for celebration, where the whole family and friends gather to mark this beautiful stage in a child's life.

The cake is also an essential element of this tradition. The cake is specially prepared for this occasion and is often festively decorated. Eating cake is often a symbol of the fact that the baby can also eat solid food.

Another tradition for turning one is choosing objects from a tray specially made for this occasion. Different objects will be placed on a tray, such as a book, a pen, a stethoscope, money, keys, make-up products and others, and the child must choose three objects. It is said that those three chosen objects are clues about the child's future and the job he will choose.

If you don't know what to give your child at the age of 1, then you can give him clothes. As you know, children grow very quickly, so parents could take advantage of the help offered in the form of clothes. He always offers clothes a little bigger, especially if you want to give him clothes for another season.

Given to the beam

It is a custom originating in Oltenia and to be kept for 3 years after baptism. On the first day of the New Year, the child will be taken to the midwife's house, where he will receive various gifts, including money, a sorbet and a pretzel made of shortbread dough.

This custom is said to ensure the harmonious growth of the child and good luck in life. It is also said that that child will be tall.

The child rises to the ceiling in three stages, the first time at the level of the midwife's shoulders, the second time over the shoulders, and the third time as close to the ceiling as possible. After the ritual, the child greets the guests.

Among the gifts, clothes can also be offered, so necessary. For example, for one year you can choose boys' blouses , so necessary in any season.

AnneBebe - Cotton Blouse for Boys, White with Long Sleeves and Print 7040 Sarabanda

For girls, you can choose casual dresses , which can be worn in any context.

AnneBebe - Elegant Dress for Girls Catalina Cream Embroidered Cord Powder Pink AnneBebe

For many small children's clothes click HERE

So, if you have a child or if you are going to have a child, it is good to know where the most popular superstitions come from!