Baita de Mir de ada zi - Complete Guide for Nasa

The myrrh bath, also known as the "taking out of the myrrh", is a heartwarming moment in a child's life, held the day after baptism. It is a Romanian tradition that combines ancient symbolism with the desire to give the child a blessed start in life. Here are the steps to turn this moment into an unforgettable memory full of love and happiness.

The importance of the Baita de Mir Ritual - Baita after Baptism

Only women participate in the ritual, symbolizing the continuity and connection between generations. Women, being creators of life, provide the protection and blessings necessary for a good start in life.

What you need for Baița de Mir

Steps to Baița de Mir

1. Preparing the tub with water:
The tub is filled with lukewarm water from the sink or a well, river or spring to evoke the purity and flow of life. Under the tub, a prayer book and a science book are placed, symbolizing the hope that the little one will combine faith with knowledge as he grows, harmoniously integrating tradition and education into his spiritual and intellectual formation.

2. Baptismal sash:
The godmother will use the christening sash to wrap the child, signifying protection and purity from the christening ceremony. She should caress the baby's skin with the swaddling and wrap it around, making sure it covers the baby. After the baptism, the godmother will place the swaddling in a place where it can dry naturally, such as near a mirror, symbolizing the hope that the spiritual purity acquired at baptism will persist throughout the child's life.

3. Baptismal candle:
This must be lit for the entire duration of the baby and will be extinguished by the door frame or ceiling after the ritual is over to ensure the child's divine protection.

4. Adding the ingredients:
The godmother, grandmother, mother, and midwife will recite incantations for each ingredient, adding them one at a time to the bath water, before washing the baby.

5. Adding the holy oil:
After adding the ingredients, the myrrh oil is carefully poured in a few drops, a sign of spiritual anointing and divine protection. Incantation: "Holy oil, anoint this child with your essence, protect him under your divine wing throughout life's journey."

6. Adding the wedding ring and penny:
The godfather's or a man's wedding ring is added, signifying luck in love and marriage. Charm: "With this wedding ring, have true love and a lasting marriage." Then the silver penny is added which signifies luck and money in life. Charm: "Silver coin, bring luck and prosperity, that your life be full of abundance."

7. Washing the child:
The godmother, grandmother, mother and midwife will gently wash the baby, making sure that every part of the body is thoroughly cleansed and blessed. As the little one is washed and cleansed with this holy water, all those present send him blessings and good thoughts, and the child's grandmother will say a prayer.

8. Anointing with holy oil :
After the bath, the godmother will anoint the child with holy oil, thus ensuring spiritual protection and a velvety skin. As she applies the oil, she will lovingly say loving incantations and blessings over each part of the little one's body:

On the wrists: "By this anointing, may your hands build and embrace with love and kindness."
To the ears: "May these ears always hear words of love and truth, guiding you on the path of goodness."
On the nose: "By this sign, may the fragrance of the flowers of life always be near you, bringing you joy and peace."
Underarm: "May your wings be strong and lift you high, protected from all harm."
To the soles: "May these feet carry you on blessed and light-filled paths, always guiding you safely home."
At the head: "With this anointing, may your mind always be clear and enlightened, open to divine wisdom and inspiration."

9. Dressing the baby:
The baby is then dressed in clean, white clothes as a symbol of newly acquired purity, ready to be presented to extended family and friends in an ending full of love, hope and blessing.

10. Emptying the tub:
The water used for bathing must be thrown at the root of a fruit tree (for boys) or flowers or in a stream (for girls), symbolizing the wish that the child will grow up beautiful and healthy.

Godparents, parents, grandparents and midwives, through their warm and caring involvement, create precious memories and pass on these valuable traditions. In this ceremony full of light and blessing, every gesture and every word spoken with love helps to protect and bless the little one.

Box set for next-day home with AnneBebe NosesBox set for the next day's home with AnneBebe NosesBox set for the next day's home with AnneBebe Noses

The ingredients of the AnneBebe "First Baby with the Godfathers" Box

AnneBebe Complete Set for Baita de Mir

  • Susan: Protection from evil spirits. Charm: "With sesame we add protection, that this child may be safe from all evil intent."
  • Flaxseed: Health and protection. Charm: "Flax seeds, for peace and harmony, in this child's life be."
  • Salt: Purification and protection. Incantation: "Salt, salt, purify and unbind, cleanse this little soul from every disease and black plague."
  • Piper: Protection against the blind eye. Incantation: "Strong pepper, guard him from your eyes, so that evil may not touch him, neither by night nor by day."
  • Holy Basil: Purification and blessing. Charm: "Holy Basil, with you we bless him, to grow big and wise, so be it!"
  • Flakes/Feathers: Abundance and prosperity. Charm: "Flake of luck, float gently, bring abundance and happiness into this new life."
  • Sugar and Honey: The Sweetness and Gentleness of Life. Charm: "May the sweetness of life be with you, sugar and honey, for clear days and loving hearts."
  • Soap: Cleansing and purification. Charm: "With this soap, we wash away all pain, so that you may grow clean and pure."
  • Lavender: Calm and protective. Charm: "May lavender guard you, bring you calm and peace."
  • Rose petals: Love and compassion. Charm: "Rose petals, in your life sow love and thousands of smiles."
  • Rice: Fertility and abundance. Incantation: "May the rice bring fertility and abundance, may there never be a ghost in this house."
  • Mint: Health and vitality. Chant: "With mint, we bring freshness and health, so that this child may have a rich and long life."
  • Wheat: Life and Prosperity. Charm: "May the wheat give you strength, grow big and strong, like wheat in the sun."

The myrrh bath is a special moment, full of love and old traditions, meant to ensure the child a blessed start in life. Godparents, parents and grandparents, through their warm and caring involvement, create precious memories and pass on these valuable traditions. In this ceremony full of light and blessing, every gesture and every word spoken with love helps to protect and bless the little one.