Many mothers tend to take excessive care of their little ones, especially in the cold period of the year, especially in winter, because then a lot of viruses circulate, and the immune system suffers. However, what are the most common mistakes that moms make when it comes to clothing their babies in the cold season?

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Frequent mistakes that mothers make in winter, when dressing their little ones

1. Clothes that are too thick

The tendency of mothers, to protect their little ones from viruses, wind, cold and so on, is to dress them much thicker than necessary. Maybe they have the impression that this is the best for their babies, stuffing them to the brim, but this can cause more harm than good, because the little ones will sweat and as soon as they come in contact with the cold air they will get sick.

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Also, the immunity of the little ones will not increase, if they do not gradually and safely come into contact with the environment, so that, for this reason, they will be much more prone to viruses or colds.

2. Clothes that are too thin

On the other hand, there are also some mothers who cannot manage their child's sensitivity to cold and wind very well, and that is precisely why they can dress them too thinly for the cold season. Even if a thick sweater and a jacket would be enough for adults, babies feel the temperature in a completely different way, being much more sensitive.

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The best solution for these mistakes is for the babies to be dressed in several layers of clothes, so that they can be removed or added easily, according to the climatic changes that can even differ from one hour to the next.

3. Synthetic clothes

The material from which children's clothes are made is extremely important. Another frequent mistake that mothers make when dressing their babies, regardless of the season, is that they are not very careful about the material from which the clothing items are made and buy synthetic or low-quality products.

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These can cause irritation on the fine and delicate skin of the little ones, which manifests itself from redness to small blisters that must be treated as soon as possible, following a treatment prescribed by a specialist in this regard.

So, in order to avoid this mistake, mothers must check the labels of the clothes they buy for their babies, and, most certainly, use clothes made of cotton, because they are of better quality and gentler on sensitive skin of small children.

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4. Do not use waterproof clothes

Waterproof clothes for babies are ideal for winter. A valid general truth is that everyone, whether it is children, babies or adults, must wear waterproof clothes in winter, especially if they go to the gym.

Perfect both for rainy weather and for a trip to the mountains or for a simple walk in the park with the little one during the winter, waterproof clothes are an absolute necessity, because when your little one will play in the snow and or in puddles, the material will not allow the liquid to penetrate inside.

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So, your baby will always be dry and will be able to enjoy the snow freely.

5. Very bulky and uncomfortable clothes.

Baby clothes that are bulky and uncomfortable should be avoided. Another mistake that mothers make when dressing their little ones in the cold season is that they choose clothes that may look good, but are uncomfortable and bulky, and the babies cannot move freely when wearing them.

Even though, especially lately, there have been many models of winter clothes for babies that are more and more beautiful and interesting, not all of them are comfortable.

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For boys' clothes 0 - 36 months CLICK HERE

Even more important in this regard is the fact that, although a baby coat is voluminous, this does not necessarily mean that it is also warm, and here mothers have an essential task, because they must check and choose very carefully the clothes for their little ones and to think about their comfort and efficiency, not just the aesthetic part.

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So, dear mothers, try to avoid these frequent mistakes regarding the clothing of babies during the winter, in order to enjoy together with the little one a story season as it should be, being safe from unpleasant incidents, colds and flu.