What makes the AnneBebe Baptism Kit so special?
After birth, baptism is the first important event in a baby's life. Therefore, it must be prepared with great attention and love by all those involved, especially by parents and grandparents.
The tradition of baptism exists all over the world, but with significant differences from religion to religion and from country to country. What is common is precisely the significance of the event and the joy of the loved ones.
In Romania, not only the spiritual part of the baptism must be prepared, but certain practical aspects must also be set, such as the choice of flowers for the christening, the baptism candle and the baby's kit.
The importance of the baptism kit
The christening kit or the baby kit as it is also known is a gift given by the parents to the baby. It contains various objects that will be useful during the baptism, such as the clothes he will wear afterwards, the finete on which he will be placed, a towel for the priest and others. Each such object has both a functional and a symbolic role.
In order to choose the ideal kit, the godparents must know what each object symbolizes and choose them in such a way as to please the parents, but also to suit the baby's personality.
The contents of the baby kit
Annebebe trousers contain everything needed for a good christening. Thus, if you are going to baptize a child and you don't want to make a mistake, it is best to order a ready-made kit. We will present you the contents of a kit for boys and one for girls.
Suitcase for boys

For boys, you can choose the gorgeous AnneBebe Personalized Cream Angel Wings Christening Truss Box. Parents will certainly be pleasantly surprised by this choice, as all products are delicate and carefully crafted. The kit for boys contains:
- Canvas dimensions: 80 x 150 cm
- Baby towel Dimensions: 75 x 90 cm
- Myrrh bottle
- Baptism sash for the bridegroom 100 cm x 3.5 cm
- Priest's towel Dimensions: 90 x 50 cm
- A soap with glycerin.
Suit for girls
Are you going to baptize a little girl? In this case, you can opt for a Personalized AnneBebe Unicorn Theme Girls Christening Suit . It contains:
- Canvas dimensions: 80 x 150 cm
- Baby towel Dimensions: 75 x 90 cm
- Myrrh bottle
- Baptism sash for the bridegroom 100 cm x 3.5 cm
- Priest's towel Dimensions: 90 x 50 cm
- A soap with glycerin.
Personalize the christening kit

Annebebe sets are distinguished not only by quality and attention to detail, but also by the fact that they can be customized.
Customizing the kit for the baby you are going to baptize adds a distinct and exciting element to the baptism ceremony. We offer you the possibility to add the name of the little Christian and the date of the happy event. Thus, the personalization of the kit transforms each accessory into a memorable symbol, which will be looked upon fondly for many years to come.
The attention to details will give the things for the baptism an emotional charge both on the spot, on the happy day of the event, and in years to come, when the parents and even the child will look at those things.
You have the opportunity to choose various symbols that will beautify the things in the kit and that will add a personal touch and give it uniqueness. Whether it's about religious symbols, initials or others, these details turn the kit into a very special gift.
We recommend that you decide from the beginning the color of the accessories in the kit and whether each element will be personalized or not. Thus, the entire kit will have a uniform and beautiful appearance.
Keep in mind that if you opt for the products in the kit to be personalized, they cannot be returned or replaced, according to the legislation (Ord. 130/2000 Cap. 2 Art. 10 Lit. C.).
Why do we recommend you to customize the kit? Because it is one of the most beautiful moments in the baby's life and it is worth giving him things specially made for him, which will turn into unforgettable memories.
The importance of each item in the kit
It is good to know the meaning and importance of each item in the kit, so we will present them to you one by one. They are not chosen randomly and have their role well established in baptism.
- Myrrh cloth: it is used to remove the baby from the baptismal font, after the baptism ritual. This contributes to the comfort and well-being of the little one. The cloth is also a symbol of purity. In general, the myrrh cloth is not finished because it refers to the first moments of Christianity, when people's lives were not easy at all.
- Baby towel: it is used to wipe the baby very well after he has been baptized, before he is dressed in the special clothes in which he will celebrate the beautiful event.
- Bottle for myrrh: this bottle must be filled with olive or sunflower oil that will be consecrated by the priest. The oil will be used to anoint the child before being baptized, and what remains will be used in the bath the next day and every day for the 40 days after the baptism.
- Baptism sash for the groom: it is symbolic and reminds of the times when there were no disposable diapers, and babies were brought to baptism in cloth diapers. In order for the diapers not to unravel, they were tied with phases. Today, the face has taken on another symbolism, more precisely, it suggests the spiritual connection between parents and grandparents. In some areas, it is recommended that this face be tied to the child's crib to watch over his sleep.
- The priest's towel and glycerine soap are used for the priest to wash his hands before and after baptism.
Therefore, if you are going to baptize a baby, take into account the meanings of each object in the kit and choose the customization for them. The parents and the child will thank you even years later, when they will find the memories of the baptism day.